

Hisatsune-san is a renowned Kimono designer in Kanazawa. Winning several awards for his unique style of Kaga Yuzen (Kimono Dyeing) in Japan and Europe…..

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Masahide Okabe

Masahide Okabe is an artisan of fifth generation of Fukushima Shamise Shop in Kanazawa…..

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Masanobu Ohta

It was on my 11th year with my master when he advised me to “establish my original” and to branch out from him. Since I worked mostly on my master’s work, I was inexperienced in drawing my own designs…..

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Itukou Kiyose is a renowned lacquerware artist from Kanazawa, Japan. With a deep commitment to preserving traditional craftsmanship, Kiyose has become a master artisan specializing in the intricate art of lacquerware.

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Yuki Nara

Japanese ceramicist Yuki Nara is a descendant of the Ohi family, a long line of renowned ceramicists….

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Toshio Ohi

Ohi-san is the 11th generation of Ceramic masters to take the name Chozaemon; a name that has been passed down through his family for over 350 years….

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