
Hisatsune-san is a renowned Kimono designer in Kanazawa. Winning several awards for his unique style of Kaga Yuzen (Kimono Dyeing) in Japan and Europe.

Hisatsune-san has managed to create his own unique methods of natural dye extraction. The colors he uses in his works have been harnessed from nature such as cherry blossoms, grapes, berries, or plant extracts.

He describes his annual collection of fallen imperial cherry blossoms from the Oyama shrine in Kanazawa to the perfection of the extraction methods to release the precious pigment and finally the actual painting of the dye onto the silk. He describes and illustrates an extraordinary commitment to the craft, which can really be appreciated at his workshop or experiencing his products.

Hisatusne-san will only allow a certain number of products for sale to the international market.

Featured Products by Hisatsune

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